Friday 17 July 2009

Rained off, Chores on

The forecast today was for heavy rain showers so given that we do not need to travel, we didn't. Rainy day chores that have been postponed by good weather got done instead. First on my list was Caxton's capacious larder. Following our move back onboard armed with the remnants of our land-life larder to be added to it things have been getting steadily more untidy so I set about major sort out this morning. Once everything had been emptied out and the shelves cleaned I tried to make sense of what was on board. Three boxes of sea salt, two bottles of Worcestershire sauce, enough cous cous to keep the people of North Africa fed for a fortnight; you get the picture...
The saucepans have now got a new home and so has the crockery but how long before the muscle memory absorbs that? It remains for me to tackle the bathroom cupboard but that might have to await a hurricane warning before I venture there!

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